
初撮り人妻ドキュメント 河越留美子 四十歳






「きっかけは夫の浮気発覚でした。」河越留美子さん40歳。今年結婚15年目になる2児の母。学生時代は校内選挙で生徒会長に選ばれるほど真面目で責任感の強い模範生だったという留美子さん。そんなおよそAVとは縁もゆかりも無さそうな清楚系美人奥様の留美子さんだが、今回のきっかけとなるXデーはある日突然訪れた。ご主人の浮気発覚。「あれはただのセフレで愛人じゃない、って必死に意味不明の言い訳してる彼の姿を見たら一気に冷めてしまって・・・でも裏切られたショックよりも、真面目だと思ってた夫にもそういう本性があるんだと思ったら肩の力がスッと抜けて身軽になったんです。」これまでずっと優等生を期待され抑圧されてきた従順妻が、見知らぬ男と契りを交わしついに己の欲望を解放する。 / 初撮り人妻ドキュメント 河越留美子 四十歳


First Shooting Married Woman Document Rumiko Kawagoshi 40 years old

“The trigger was my husband’s cheating." Rumiko Kawagoshi is 40 years old.Mother of two children who are 15 years old this year.Rumiko Rumiko said she was a serious and responsible model student who was selected as a student council president in school elections.Rumiko, a neat and beautiful wife who seems to have no connection with AV, but suddenly visited X Day, which triggered this time.The husband’s cheating discovery."When I saw him who was just a saffle and not a mistress, it was cool at once, but it cooled down at once …However, if I thought that there was such a nature, my shoulder power came off quickly and became lighter. “The obedient wife, who has been suppressed since so far, has been expected to be an honor student, and finally has a contract with a stranger.Release desires./ First Shooting Married Woman Document Rumiko Kawagoshi 40 years old
